Friday, September 23, 2011

Week of September 26, 2011

11th Academic English
On Monday you will take a quiz on "Of Plymouth Plantation."  Make sure you study!  Tuesday we will watch a documentary titled "The Salem Witch Trials" in preparation for both our research projects and our study of the play, The Crucible.  Wednesday you will take a test on the Native American and Early American literature we have been studying in class.  This test includes all historical notes.  Thursday you will meet with Guidance to discuss college financial aid options and Friday we will begin work on our research project.

12th Academic English
On Monday we will finishing reading together and discussing Beowulf.  Tuesday, you will take a test on all of the early Anglo-Saxon information, including the epic poem Beowulf.  Wednesday you will meet with Guidance to discuss college financial aid options.  Thursday an Friday you will begin work on the Beowulf writing project.