Thursday, September 29, 2011

Week of October 3, 2011
11th Academic English
On Monday and Tuesday you will continue your library research for the Personal Narrative project we started last Friday.  Wednesday and Thursday, we will begin reading Arthur Miller's drama, The Crucible.  You will be given a study guide for Act I and are expected to answer the questions on the study guide as you read the play.  On Friday, you will take Vocabulary Quiz #3 and will begin work on Vocabulary List #4.  Don't forget that your proposal for the Personal Narrative project is due on Wednesday!!

12th Academic English
Your Beowulf writing project is due on Monday!!!  No late papers will be accepted!!! On Monday we will begin our study of Arthurian Legend by watching two documentaries, The Legend of King Arthur and In Serach of Camelot.  Tuesday through Thursday you will read, outline and discuss "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight" p. 162+ in the literature text.  On Friday, you will take Vocabulary Quiz #3 and will begin work on Vocabulary List #4.  Make sure you keep up with all due dates and all classwork.