Monday, September 26, 2016

Week of September 26, 2016
11th English
On Monday we will review vocabulary list #2 and its worksheet to prepare for vocabulary quiz #2 on Wednesday.  On Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, we will continue sentence analysis using the two worksheets you were given in class last week.  Make sure you are carefully analyzing these sentences.  You will take a test on this information sometime next week.

11th Academic English
This week we will continue our work with sentence analysis.  You'll be using two new worksheets to practice analysis skills in preparation for a test on this information either at the end of the week or early next week.  Make sure you are carefully analyzing the sentences on these worksheets.

12th Academic English
This week we will continue our discussion of the epic poem Beowulf.  Using your highlighted and notated workbooks, you will discuss what makes Beowulf a hero.  You will take a test on this poem and the historical information about the Anglo-Saxons later this week, then will continue some literary analysis on other heroic stories.

SAT Prep
This week we will work on chapters 14 and 15 in the workbooks.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Week of September 19, 2016
11th English
This week we will continue work with The Parts of The Sentence.  We will review your answers on the worksheet and practice analyzing sentences.  Later this week you will be working on CDT Testing.

11th Academic English
This week we will continue analyzing sentences using the method demonstrated for you in class.  On Wednesday, you will take vocabulary quiz #2 and will work on vocabulary list #3.  Your reading response is due on Thursday at the start of class.  Thursday and Friday we will be completing CDT Testing.

12th Academic English
On Monday you will turn in your exile writing at the start of class, then we will begin work with selections from Beowulf, reading selections in class and discussing what heroic attributes Beowulf demonstrates.  On Thursday you will complete vocabulary quiz #2, will turn in reading response #2 and will work on vocabulary list #3.

SAT Prep
Monday and Tuesday you will take a test on editing and revising skills used in writing.  Wednesday through Friday we will read together and discuss reading strategies for the SAT found on pp. 331+ in the workbook.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Week of September 12, 2016
11th English
On Monday we will review vocabulary list #1 and its worksheet, then begin work with the Parts of the Sentence.  You will take notes while we review a power point discussion, then begin using this information to analyze sentences.  On Wednesday you will take vocabulary quiz #1 and will begin working on vocabulary list #2.  We will end the week by using worksheet sentences to practice sentence analysis.

11th Academic English
On Monday we will continue our study of the Parts of the Sentence.  We will finish the power point presentation on this information, then will take notes on sentence analysis.  Tuesday, you will turn in reading response #1, will take vocabulary quiz #1, will work on vocabulary list #2 and will complete the review sheet for vocabulary list #2.  Wednesday through Friday will be spent analyzing sentences on worksheets and in the classroom grammar text.

12th Academic English
On Monday we will continue our discussion of Anglo-Saxon exile poetry, then will begin a writing project centered on the theme of exile.  Tuesday, you will turn in reading response #1, will take vocabulary quiz #1, will work on vocabulary list #2 and will complete the review sheet for this list.  On Wednesday we will begin a study of Beowulf.

SAT Prep
On Monday we will review your work with the revising and editing workbooks, then will continue with more practice in these workbooks.  Later in the week we will take a test on revising and editing skills.  Hopefully, we will begin work with reading/test taking strategies this week.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Week of September 6, 2016
11th English
This week we will review the Parts of Speech worksheet you completed in class.  On Wednesday, we will work on writing an article review.  You will work in class creating this writing that is due on Friday.  On Thursday, you will begin work on vocabulary unit #1.  Friday you will take a quiz on the parts of speech, will turn in your article review writing and, after the quiz, will continue work with the first vocabulary unit.

11th Academic English
On Tuesday you will work on vocabulary unit #1 and its review sheet.  Wednesday we will review the Parts of Speech worksheet you completed in class in preparation for a quiz on that information on Friday.  On Thursday we will review vocabulary unit #1 and the review sheet in preparation for a vocabulary quiz early next week.  On Friday you will take a quiz on the parts of speech and will begin work on the parts of the sentence.

12th Academic English
On Tuesday you will work on vocabulary unit #1 and its review sheet.  Wednesday we will read and discuss some early Anglo-Saxon exile poetry.  On Thursday we will review vocabulary unit #1 and its review sheet in preparation for a vocabulary quiz early next week.  On Friday we will finish our discussion of exile poetry and will begin a writing project based on this literature.

SAT Prep
This week we will continue work with the College Board SAT Prep site.  We also will continue practice in revising and editing skills needed for the essay portion of this test.