Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Week of November 30, 2015
11th Academic English
On Tuesday we will meet with a representative of PHEAA to learn about a program called Junior Jumpstart.  Wednesday and Thursday we will begin work with The Crucible.  We will view and take notes while watching a documentary about the Salem Witch Trials, then will begin reviewing introductory information about this social drama.  Finally, we will begin working with Act I.  On Friday you will take vocabulary quiz #6, will turn in reading response #6 and will begin work on vocabulary list #7.

12th Academic English
On Tuesday we will begin to read together and discuss Act I of MacBeth.  While we read together make sure that you understand the content of this play and that you complete the Act I study guide.  On Friday you will take vocabulary quiz #6, will turn in reading response #6 and will begin work on vocabulary list #7.

Theatre Production
You will continue work on your set design project.  Work needs to be completed as soon as possible for this project, so make sure you use time wisely.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Week of November 23, 2015
11th Academic English
On Monday we will review for a test on the literature we've studied so far this quarter.  You will be tested on the unit introductory notes, Native American literature, explorers'/settlers' narrative accounts and on the literary devices that accompany these stories.  The test will be on Tuesday, so make sure you have everything straight in your heads!!  Enjoy our indoor field day on Wednesday and be sure to thank Mrs. Minalda and her helpers for setting it up!!

12th Academic English
On Monday we will review your understanding of The English Renaissance, then will begin work with Shakespeare's tragedy, MacBeth.  Tuesday you will continue working on Act I of this play.  Enjoy our indoor field day on Wednesday and be sure to thank Mrs. Minalda and her helpers for setting it up!!

Theatre Production
Monday and Tuesday you will continue work on the Set Design project.  Make sure you have accurately read the script so your design works with the show.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Week of November 16, 2015
11th Academic English
This week we will begin a look at explorer/settler writings from our earliest American literature.  We will read together and discuss selections from "Journal of the First Voyage to America," pp. 60-64, "The General History of Virginia," pp. 70-74, and "Of Plymouth Plantation," pp. 78-84. On Friday you will turn in your completed Creation Story based on the Native American works we studied last week.  Be prepared for a test on the Native/Early American information on Monday, November 23rd.

12th Academic English
This week we will wrap up our study of selections from The Canterbury Tales.  On Monday and Tuesday we will discuss both "The Nun's Priest Tale," pp. 118-137, and "The Pardoner's Tale," pp. 140-150.  You will work on an If-Then worksheet based on The Canterbury Tales to help prepare you for the mid-term exam.  On Friday you will take a test on The Canterbury Tales.  Make sure you are ready for this test.

Theatre Production
After a week that didn't go quite as planned, you will finally begin working together on the Set Design Project.  On Monday, you will get details about this project and what you are expected to complete, then will have the rest of the week to work on this project.  Make sure you work together as a team to create the best set design you are capable of producing. 

Monday, November 9, 2015

Week of November 9, 2015
11th Academic English
This week we will continue our look at early Native American literature.  We will discuss the three short stories you've read from the literature anthology then will work on a writing assignment that will ask you to compose your own origin myth in the style of the Native Americans.  On Thursday you will take vocabulary quiz #5, will turn in reading response #5 and will work on vocabulary unit #6.

12th Academic English
This week we will continue our work with The Canterbury Tales.  We will finish reading together and discussing "The Nun's Priest Tale" and will read together and discuss "The Pardoner's Tale." Make sure you take good notes during our discussions.  On Thursday you will take vocabulary quiz #5, will turn in reading response #5 and will work on vocabulary unit #6.  Be prepared for the test on The Canterbury Tales being given sometime early next week.

Theatre Production
On Tuesday you will read an article of your choice about current events on Broadway.  Wednesday you will begin plans for your set design project.  You will be given a scene from a show and will be required to design a three dimensional model set for that production.  More instructions will be given during our class time.