Friday, October 30, 2015

Week of November 2, 2015
11th Academic English
On Monday you will take another test on Sentence Classification.  Make sure you study!!!! On Tuesday and through the rest of the week we will begin a look at the earliest American literature, Native American Origin Legends.  You will outline some introductory notes on pages 1-12 in the literature anthology, then we will read together and discuss "The Earth on Turtle's Back," "When Grizzlies Walked Upright," and "Navajo Origin Legend," pp. 16-23.  Near the end of the week you will begin work on a writing assignment related to these stories.

12th Academic English
On Monday and into the middle of the week you will have class time to work on "The Prologue" from The Canterbury Tales.  Later in the week we will begin to read together and discuss "The Nun's Priest Tale," pp. 118-137.  Make sure you are taking exemplary notes on all of this information.

Theatre Production
On Monday we will begin our next unit, Set Design, by watching a stage version of Peter Pan.  You should take specific note of how the set is used to further tell the story in this Broadway adaptation of this classic.  When we finish viewing this show you will begin to construct a three dimensional model of a set.