Monday, November 9, 2015

Week of November 9, 2015
11th Academic English
This week we will continue our look at early Native American literature.  We will discuss the three short stories you've read from the literature anthology then will work on a writing assignment that will ask you to compose your own origin myth in the style of the Native Americans.  On Thursday you will take vocabulary quiz #5, will turn in reading response #5 and will work on vocabulary unit #6.

12th Academic English
This week we will continue our work with The Canterbury Tales.  We will finish reading together and discussing "The Nun's Priest Tale" and will read together and discuss "The Pardoner's Tale." Make sure you take good notes during our discussions.  On Thursday you will take vocabulary quiz #5, will turn in reading response #5 and will work on vocabulary unit #6.  Be prepared for the test on The Canterbury Tales being given sometime early next week.

Theatre Production
On Tuesday you will read an article of your choice about current events on Broadway.  Wednesday you will begin plans for your set design project.  You will be given a scene from a show and will be required to design a three dimensional model set for that production.  More instructions will be given during our class time.