Friday, October 23, 2015

Week of October 26, 2015
11th Academic English
On Monday and Thursday of this week we will participate in a study of the College Board's ACT Writing Test.  Tuesday and Wednesday we will review Sentence Classification for another test on this material.  (You will take that test on Monday, November 2nd.) On Friday you will take vocabulary quiz #4, will turn in reading response #4 and will work on vocabulary list #5.  Make sure you prepare well for the vocabulary quiz, the reading response and the second Sentence Classification test, as these will be the final grades for the 1st quarter.

12th Academic English
On Monday and Thursday of this week we will participate in a study of the College Board's ACT Writing Test.  Tuesday and Wednesday we will be working with "The Prologue" from The Canterbury Tales.  On Friday you will take vocabulary quiz #4, will turn in reading response #4 and will work on vocabulary list #5.  Make sure you are well-prepared for the vocabulary quiz and the reading response as these will be the final grades for the 1st quarter.

Theatre Production
On Monday through Wednesday you will work on the Blocking Project.  Details of the project requirements will be discussed in class on Monday.  You will turn in your project later this week.  After the Blocking Project is complete we will view a stage production of Peter Pan in preparation for your next project -- Scenic Design.