Friday, September 25, 2015

Week of September 28, 2015
11th Academic English
This week we will continue working with Clauses.  You will practice Sentence Classification by identifying independent and subordinate clauses in sentences, then use those to classify the sentences as either simple, compound, complex or compound/complex.  On Thursday you will take Vocabulary Quiz #2, will turn in Reading Response #2 and will work on list #3.  Enjoy Homecoming Spirit Week 2015!!

12th Academic English
On Monday you will take a test on the epic poem, Beowulf, then will begin work on a project related to Beowulf.  Later in the week we will begin a study of Arthurian literature by viewing two documentaries, "In Search of Camelot" and "King Arthur."  On Thursday you will take Vocabulary Quiz #2, will turn in Reading Response #2 and will work on list #3.  Enjoy your senior year Homecoming Spirit Week 2015!!

Theatre Production
This week you will continue work on the Costume project.  Be prepared to present your project early next week.