Friday, October 12, 2012

Week of October 15, 2012
11th Academic English
This week we'll continue our work with The Crucible.  On Monday you'll hand in your bibliography/note cards for the project, then we'll read and discuss Act II of the play.  On Tuesday, you'll hand in your map/outline for the project, we'll finish discussing Act II and you will take the Act II quiz.  On Wednesday, you will take a test on Acts I and II, then will begin working on the Act III Study Guide.   Don't forget that the final part of the project, the actual writing, is due on Monday, October 22nd!!!

12th Academic English
This week we'll finish our study of Arthurian legend.  On Monday and into Tuesday we'll read together and discuss "Morte d'Arthur," pp. 176-184.  Tuesday into Wednesday, you should finish your "IF/THEN" worksheet for Arthurian legend.  On Wednesday you'll take a test on both Beowulf and Arthurian legend.  After the test, we'll begin viewing the film Becket.  You will receive an essay test prompt to help you focus your note-taking on this film.  We'll continue viewing the film through the end of the week.