Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Week of April 5, 2010

Academic English 12

Students will be required to read the specific poems by Robert Browning (My Last Duchess, Life in a Love, Love Among the Ruins) and Emily Barrett Browning (Sonnet 43) and complete the packet of questions for discussion on Wednesday April 7. Students are responsible to have any notes on historical aspects of the Victorian Era of Literature as well as on analytical interpretations of the corresponding works. Students will be required to read whatever elements of Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre that are not covered in class.

Academic English 11

Students will be responsible for constructing a 6-sentence paragraph that is well-balanced and repeats no words. Students will also need to write a brief reflection based on the in-class activity on Wednesday April 7. Students will continue in class activities i preparation for the PSSAs.