Monday, November 19, 2018

Week of November 19, 2018
11th Academic English
This week we will begin work on The Crucible research project.  You'll have some time in class to begin your initial research and to confirm your project with Mr. Lucas.  Later in the week we will begin reading together Act III of this drama.

12th Academic English
On Monday we will review for the test on The Canterbury Tales.  On Tuesday you will take this test, then begin work on The English Renaissance.  On Wednesday we will continue discussing The English Renaissance

12th Honors English
On Monday we will review for the test on The Canterbury Tales.  On Tuesday you will take this test, then begin preliminary work on the research writing project.  We will continue research writing work on Wednesday.

SAT Prep
This week you will continue work on the chapters assigned to you from the SAT Premier workbook.  Make sure you are practicing the strategies!!!