Friday, January 10, 2020

Week of January 13, 2020
11th Academic English
This week we will wrap up our look at Arthur Miller's The Crucible.  When we finish the film version of this, you will work on an essay comparing and contrasting the film and the play we read in class.  Later this week we will begin work on Shakespeare's The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark.

12th Academic English
This week we will finish our work with The Canterbury Tales.  On Wednesday you will take a test on this material.  Later in the week we will begin a unit on Research Writing.  You will work on developing a college/university-level research paper that proves a thesis.  You will use research skills to find information to prove your position.  We will discuss requirements, point values and deadlines in class.

12th English
This week we will finish our work with The Canterbury Tales.  On Wednesday you will take a test on this material.  Later in the week we will begin a research writing unit.  You will research the past, present and future of an industry.  More details, requirements, point values and deadlines will be discussed in class.