Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Week of September 3, 2019
Welcome Back!!!
12th English
This week we will begin our look at Anglo-Saxon literature.  Make sure you take good notes during class.  We will look at some Anglo-Saxon exile poetry and determine what the narrators were feeling while telling us their stories.  Later in the week you will begin work on a writing centered on exile.

12th Academic English
This week you will take notes during a power point discussion of early English history.  We will use this knowledge to discuss Anglo-Saxon exile poetry and to compare Anglo-Saxon society to our society.  Later in the week you will begin work on a writing prompt centered on your experience with exile.

11th Academic English
This week we will continue our review of the Parts of Speech.  You will identify the part of speech for words found in sentences on worksheets given to you in class.  Later in the week we will prepare for a quiz on the Parts of Speech.