Monday, May 6, 2019

Week of April 29, 2019
11th Academic English
This week we will wrap up or preparations for Interview Day.  Remember to check the handouts and to dress appropriately for your interview on Wednesday, May 1st.  Later in the week we will begin work with some short stories from the Modern Period in American Literature.  Make sure you have volume 2 of your literature series with you for class work.

12th Honors/Academic English
This week we will begin work with literature from the British Modern/Postmodern period.  You will take notes during a power point presentation on the historical background of this period, then will begin work with literature from the period.  We are quickly moving toward the end of the course, so make sure you are keeping up with the work.

SAT Prep
This week you will continue your work with the required and optional chapters in the Premier SAT Workbook.  Take your time and carefully practice the strategies discussed in each of the chapters.