Friday, September 15, 2017

Week of September 18, 2017
12th Academic English
This week we will continue our study of the epic poem Beowulf.  We will concentrate our discussions on the Anglo/Saxon societal values and mores reflected in both the narration of the story and in the epic hero Beowulf himself.  Later in the week you will have some class time to work on reading response #2.  When our analysis of Beowulf is complete you will take a test on this and other Anglo/Saxon information.

11th Academic English
This week we will continue our work with Sentence Analysis.  You will analyze worksheet sentences and we will check your answers together.  On Wednesday and Thursday you will take the first round of CDT Tests.  On Friday you will have some class time to work on reading response #2. 

SAT Prep
On Monday we will complete work with Chapter 16.  Tuesday through Thursday you will work with the editing and revising workbooks, completing selections 6 through 10.  On Friday you will take the first SAT practice test in this course.