Friday, December 4, 2015

Week of December 7, 2015
11th Academic English
This week we will continue our study of The Crucible.  We will read together and discuss Act I and Act II.  You should continue to work on the Act I study guide and the Act II study guide, which you will receive later this week.  On Wednesday, you will take a quiz on Act I of this play.  Make sure you are keeping up with your class work and home work since the second quarter will quickly come to an end after our Christmas break!

12th Academic English
This week we will continue our study of MacBeth.  We will finish our discussion of Act I on Monday and you will begin work on Act II at that time.  On Tuesday you will take the Act I quiz and we will begin to read together and discuss Act II.  Later in the week you will take the Act II quiz and will begin work on Act III.  Keep up with your reading as we plan to finish this play before we leave for the Christmas break.

Theatre Production
This week we will watch Into The Woods in preparation for your next project -- stage make-up.