Monday, January 13, 2014

Week of January 13, 2014

The crazy weather has really forced us to adjust plans for the end of the first semester.  Check below for midterm exam schedules and "catch-up" work.

11th Academic English
Midterms will be given this week as follows -- 2nd period, Tuesday, 1/14; 4th period, Thursday, 1/6, 5th period, Friday 1/17.  4th and 5th periods--we will meet on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, but remember, these periods on those days are silent study halls.  You should be reviewing for your midterm exams during those times.  We'll finish viewing Hamlet after midterms are completed.

12th Academic English
Midterms will be given this week as follows -- 1st period, Tuesday, 1/14; 6th period, Wednesday 1/15; 3rd period, Thursday 1/16.  Make sure you are prepared for your midterms.  We will begin the research project once we finish with midterm exams.