Friday, January 11, 2013

Week of January 14, 2013
11th Academic English
Midterm Exams continue all day on Monday and for 5th period on Tuesday morning.  On Tuesday we'll talk about the Keystone Literature Exams you'll be taking this week.  We'll review some literary devices you'll be expected to know and will talk about some other items you'll see on the test.  Wednedsay and Thursday, you will take the Literature Exams.  Half of our students from class will be testing and half will be in class each day.  While in class, you'll work on finishing Vocabulary list #9 and completing Newsweek summary #8.  Friday we'll begin viewing the film adaptation of Hamlet.

12th Academic English
Midterm Exams continue all day on Monday and for 5th period on Tuesday morning.  Tuesday and Wednesday you'll use class time to complete Vocabulary list #9 and Newsweek summary #8.  on Thursday and into Friday we will begin work on the Research Project.  We'll discuss the project requirements, review the procedure for completing the work, and discuss project due dates.