Monday, August 27, 2012

Week of August 27, 2012

11th Academic English
Welcome back, everyone!  We have a great school year planned for you!  You'll face challenges, experience success, and learn from mistakes.  By the end of the school year, however, you will be more confident, more successful and more accomplished in all you do!  This week we'll begin our vocabulary studies by working with Vocabulary List #1.  Near the end of the week we'll discuss literature and begin our study of Early American literature. 

12th Academic English
This is is, guys and girls, you are now SENIORS!!!! As leaders of the school, you'll have a lot of wonderful times this academic year.  This year, we're going to make sure that you are prepared to face the challenges and expectations of life beyond high school.  By the time the end of May, 2013 gets here, you'll be ready to take off into the next phase of  your life.  Remember to constantly challenge yourself this year and to give your best efforts to everything.  This week we'll begin our vocabulary studies by working with Vocabulary List #1.  Near the end of the week we'll discuss the roots of our English language and literary heritage by beginning our studies of early Anglo-Saxon literature.