Friday, May 6, 2011

Week of May 9, 2011
11th Academic English
The school year is quickly coming to a close!!  Make sure you  stick with our schedule and complete assignments accurately and on time!!!  This week we will continue to prepare for our Final Exam.  You will use worksheets to practice Sentence Classification using Independent and Subordinate Clauses.  You will also continue work on John Steinbeck's Of Mice and MenNear the end of the week you will take a quiz on the first study guide for this novel and will receive the second study guide for this novel to complete.  Be sure to take good notes and ask questions!

12th Academic English
We are rapidly approaching your Final Exam week.  Make sure that you are completing work as scheduled and are actively preparing for your Final Exams.   Graduation is just around the corner!  This week we will conclude our study of the Modern and Postmodern Period in British Literature.  You will read and outline "The Rocking Horse Winner" by D.H. Lawrence and "A Shocking Accident" by Graham Greene.  On Thursday you will take a test on the Modern and Postmodern Periods.  Make sure you study for this test.  Friday is a Frankenstein project work day.  You should be nearly finished reading this novel, if you haven't finished reading it already.  Make sure you follow the guidelines on the project rubric given to you in April.  Completed projects are due on Wednesday, May 18th.