Friday, April 15, 2011

Week of April 18, 2011
11th Academic English
This week we will continue an analysis of the literature from the American Modern Period.  You will take a quiz on Steinbeck and his short story "The Turtle" on Tuesday.  We will work together on Ernest Hemingway's "In Another Country" pp. 806-814 in the literature anthology.  On Thursday, you will take Vocabulary Quiz #15 and will also turn in Newsweek summary #15.  Friday begins our Easter break.  Enjoy the time away from school.  When we return, the rest of the quarter will fly by!  Happy Easter!

12th Academic English
This week we will complete our study of the British Victorian Period.  We will finish our discussion of the Victorian literature assigned to you.  On Wednesday (note the change from the calendar) you will take a test on the Victorian Period.  On Thursday, you will take Vocabulary Quiz #15 and will also turn in Newsweek summary #15.  Friday begins our Easter break.  Enjoy the time away from school.  When we return, the reaminder of the 4th quarter, (and your high school career!) will fly by!  Happy Easter!