Friday, February 25, 2011

Week of February 28, 2011
11th Academic English
This week we will continue our study of Shakespeare's Hamlet and our preparations for the PSSA Readin tests. On Monday and Tuesday we will finish reading and discussing Act III of Hamlet. You will complete your Act III study guide. On Wednesday, you will take a test on Acts I, II and III of this play and will begin work on Act IV. Thursday and Friday of this week, we will continue using the PSSA Reading Coach workbooks to review and prepare for the PSSA Reading Test being given just two weeks from now. Make sure you are keeping up with all of your assignments and preparations!!!

12th Academic English
This week we will move into the final componenets of the Research Writing Project. On Tuesday, you will hand in your Outline. Remember that this document and all remaining documents must be word-processed. On Thursday, you will hand in your Works Cited page. Remember to save the Works Cited to your H-drive. You will turn in a revised Works Cited page with your final draft of this project. All this week, you should also be working on writing the text of your research project. The text will be due on Tuesday, March 8th. Be sure to speak with me if you have any questions or run into any problems.