Friday, December 10, 2010

Week of December 13, 2010
11th Academic English
This week we will begin classifying sentences according to structure. On Monday, you will take notes during a powerpoint presentation on this information, then begin practicing clause identification and sentence classification. Tuesday and Wednesday, we will continue with this practice in preparation for a test. On Thursday and Friday we will work with the novel O Pioneers! in preparation for a Friday test on Parts One, Two and Three. The end of the quarter and midterm exams are closing in quickly! Make sure you stay on top of your work!!!

12th Academic English
This week we will continue our work with MacBeth. We will discuss Acts II and III, and will take a quiz on both acts on Thursday. On Friday, you will have a test on Acts I, II and III. After the test, you will begin work on Act IV, reading, taking notes and completing the Act IV study guide. The end of the quarter and midterm exams are closing in quickly!! Make sure you stay on top of your work!