Friday, November 5, 2010

Week of November 8, 2010
11th Academic English
This week we will conclude our study of Arthur Miller's The Crucible. On Monday, you will take the Act IV quiz. On Tuesday, you will take a test on the entire play. Your Personal Narrative Research Project is also due on Tuesday. On Wednesday we will begin watching the film adaptation of The Crucible. You should note similarities and differences between the version of the play we read in class and the film adaptation of this drama.

12th Academic English
This week we will begin our study of Medieval English life as seen through Geoffrey Chaucer's work, The Canterbury Tales. On Monday you will take notes during a lecture on Medieval English life and the concept of pilgrimage. Tuesday through Thursday, you will read and outline "The Prologue" from The Canterbury Tales. On Friday we will begin looking at the first of two specific tales, "The Nun's Priest Tale." Make sure you take detailed notes on all of this work.