Thursday, October 21, 2010

Week of October 25, 2010
11th Academic English
This week we continue our study of Arthur Miller's play, The Crucible. On Monday and Tuesday, we will discuss Act II and, on Tuesday, you will take a quiz on Act II. On Wednesday, you will take a test on both Acts I and II, and will begin work with Act III, completing the Act III study guide as you progress. You will continue working with Act III for the remainder of the week. Don't forget that the Bibliography and Note Cards for the Personal Narrative Research Project are due on Monday and the Map/Outline for the same project is due on Thursday. Be sure to keep up with all work as the quarter is quickly coming to a close!

12th Academic English
In preparation for both completing an essay test on the concept of "hero" and studying selections from The Canterbury Tales, we will watch the film Becket in class this week. You will receive a copy of the essay prompt on Monday and will be given some class time at the end of the film to work on your response. You will be required to take notes during the viewing of this film. Be sure to keep up with all work as the quarter is quickly coming to a close!