Monday, December 14, 2009

Week of December 14, 2009
11th Academic English
This week we will continue our work both with Sentence Classification and with the novel O Pioneers! On Monday and Tuesday, you will continue to practice sentence classification using a worksheet and using sentences you create. On Wednesday, you will be given time to finish the Part Three study guide for O Pioneers! On Thursday, you will take a test on Sentence Classification. On Friday, you will take a quiz on the Part Three study guide and will be given the Part Four study guide. On Monday of next week you will take a comprehensive test on the first half of O Pioneers!

12th Academic English
This week we will finish our study of Shakespeare's MacBeth. On Monday and Tuesday, we will work with Act IV. On Wednesday, you will receive the Act V study guide and will have class time to complete that. On Thursday, you will take the Act IV quiz and on Friday you will take the Act V quiz. On Monday of next week you will take a comprehensive test on MacBeth.