Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Week of December 1, 2009
11th Academic English
This week we will continue our grammar studies by focusing on clauses. You will practice identifiying clauses in sentences by labeling them either independent or subordinate. You will use those labels to classify the sentences as either simple, compound, complex or compound-complex. We will use exercises in your grammar books, beginning on page 70, to do this work. I will also give you worksheets to practice what you have learned. Remember to keep up with your reading of O Pioneers! Keep up with your work by following the second quarter calendar given to you at the start of the quarter.

12th Academic English
This week we will continue or work with Shakespeare's MacBeth. You will finish the Act II study guide given to you last week. We will read together and discuss/analyze Act II of the play. When we finish, you will take the Act II quiz and will begin work with Act III. Keep up with your work by following the second quarter calendar given to you at the start of the quarter.