Monday, February 23, 2015

Week of February 23, 2015

11th Academic English
This week we will continue our study of Shakespeare's tragedy, Hamlet.  On Monday you will take the Act II Quiz.  During the week we will read together and discuss Act III, then you will take the Act III quiz.  We will schedule a test on Acts I, II and III when we finish working with Act III.

12th Academic English
This week you will finish gathering and processing research for the position paper project.  Your third packet of research documents will be due on Thursday of this week...note the due date change for that packet!!  Once you turn in the third packet, you will begin to gather your ideas and determine how you will present your research to prove your thesis.  You will use pre-writing skills like mapping and outlining to create a plan for your work.  A Harvard-style topic outline will be due next week.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Week Of February 16, 2015
11th Academic English
Enjoy your Presidents' Day holiday!  This week we will continue our study of Shakespeare's Hamlet.  We will finish reading together and discussing Act II, then you will take a quiz on this act.  On Wednesday you will take vocabulary quiz #10 and will turn in reading response #9.  Continue working on the Act III study guide.

12th Academic English
Enjoy the Presidents' Day holiday!  This week you will continue your work with the research project.  The second set of research documents is due on Wednesday at the start of class.  Remember, even if weather causes problems with our school day schedule, this does not change the due date for this packet.  On Wednesday you will take vocabulary quiz #10, then will continue work on the last packet of research documents, due Wednesday, February 25th.  Be sure to talk with me should you have questions or run into problems.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Week of February 9, 2015
11th Academic English
This week we will continue our study of Shakespeare's Hamlet.  On Monday you will take the Act I quiz.  Tuesday and Wednesday we will read together and talk about Act II.  On Thursday you will take Vocabulary Quiz #10 and will turn in Reading Response #9.

12th Academic English
This week you will continue your research work.  On Wednesday you will turn in Research Documents packet #1.  On Thursday you will take Vocabulary Quiz #10.  Continue to use your time wisely in meeting all of the deadlines for this research project.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Week of February 2, 2015

Midterm Exams, snow delays, early dismissals and school cancellations all have been changing our lesson plans.  Hang in there!!

11th Academic English
This week you'll take Vocabulary Quiz #9 on Wednesday.  Work on the Act II study guide for Hamlet.  On Friday you'll take a quiz on Act I of Hamlet.

12th Academic English
Revised due dates for the research project will be given to you on Tuesday.  On Thursday you'll take Vocabulary Quiz #9.  Make sure you are using time wisely to meet all of the deadlines for this project.  If you run into trouble speak with Mr. Lucas as soon as possible!